
How much walking is enough?

Remember, any exercise is better than none so if you’re starting, you can gradually build up to the recommended amount. Many people start off too vigorously and then give up because they find it too demanding. Common sense is your best guide.

Aim to be active on most, preferably all, days of the week. Accumulate 150 to 300 minutes (2.5–5 hours) of moderate intensity activity or 75 to 150 minutes (1.25–2.5 hours) of vigorous intensity activity , or an equivalent combination of both, each week.

The following recommendations (released by the Federal Department of Health) are for adults and you may need to talk to your health professional before you start.

For the Federal Department of Health National Physical Activity and Sendentary Behaviour Guidelines.

What is moderate-intensity activity?

Moderate intensity activity requires some effort, but still allows you to speak easily while undertaking the activity, e.g. walking briskly.

What is vigorous-intensity activity?

This requires more effort and makes you breathe harder and faster (‘huff and puff’). A good general guide is to do a little more than you are accustomed to and increase the amount and frequency gradually.

Walking groups

How do I register for a Heart Foundation Walking group?

The easiest way to register for a Heart Foundation Walking group is to use our Walk Finder. You can search by area. When you have found the Heart Foundation Walking group that suits you best, click the Register button and complete the registration form. You can contact the Walk Organiser of your chosen group with any questions regarding the group.

How many people are in a group? 

The average group size is around eight walkers but Heart Foundation Walking groups may have anywhere from two to 100+. 

Can I be in more than one group?

Yes, you can join and manage multiple groups by logging in to your Heart Foundation Walking online profile. Please contact your Local Coordinator or Heart Foundation Walking by emaiing walking@heartfoundation.org.au

I have forgotten my website password.

You can recover your passowrd by using the 'Lost password' link on the login screen.

How can I change my contact details?

You can change your contact details at any time by logging in to your Heart Foundation Walking profile or contact us.

How can I find out how many walks I’ve done?

Log on to your online profile at walking. heartfoundation.org.au. Here you can keep track of your walks, as well as update any of your personal details such as your address, contact phone number.

Why does the registration form request my personal information?

The information requested on the registration form is essential to allow us to administer and evaluate the program. If you have any concerns about providing any particular information, please email walking@heartfoundation.org.au.

What if there is no Heart Foundation Walking group in my area?

You might like to consider starting your own Heart Foundation Walking group by becoming a volunteer Walk Organiser. You only need one other person to start a group. The Heart Foundation and your Local Coordinator will provide resources and assistance to start, promote and maintain your group. If there is no Local Coordinator in your area, you may like to approach your local shire or council to see if they are interested in becoming involved with Heart Foundation Walking. 

How do I leave Heart Foundation Walking?

You can leave Heart Foundation Walking at any time by logging in to your Heart Foundation Waking profile and using the exit button, or contact us. You can always join again, to do this contact us to reactivate your profile.



Where can I find the Terms and Conditions?

Walker Terms and Conditions.

Is any research being conducted through Heart Foundation Walking?

We are committed to thoroughly evaluating Heart Foundation Walking. Mail, email, telephone, or face-to-face surveys may be conducted from time to time. Participation in research is not compulsory and you have the right to refuse to take part or withdraw at any point without penalty. However, we value your views and feedback and recognise that good evaluation can assist us to deliver a better program.

Will I be asked to pay or make donations to the Heart Foundation?

This is a free program for walkers, volunteer Walk Organisers and Local Coordinators to join. Donations are welcome and will help us continue our lifesaving research and health education work, however there is no obligation to donate or participate in fundraising. Information about Heart Foundation fundraising will be included occasionally in the newsletter. If you would like to make a donation, or volunteer to help the Heart Foundation, please email walking@heartfoundation.org.au or visit us at https://www.heartfoundation.org.au for more information. Your support will make a difference.

Where can I find the Heart Foundation Online Shop? 

Visit the Heart Foundation Online Shop. You can use your Walker Recognition Scheme vouchers at the shop. 


Does the Heart Foundation offer public liability insurance for walkers?

Walkers are not covered by public liability insurance. By registering as a Walker, walkers agree to enter Heart Foundation Walking at their own risk and not to hold the Heart Foundation, government and other agencies or the Local Coordinator’s organisation responsible for any loss, damage, expense or personal injury sustained from participation. Each Walker also agrees that they are aware of and understand the additional risks that dogs may cause, they voluntarily accept those risks and acknowledge that the Heart Foundation is excluding all liability for injuries or damage caused as a result of including dogs in Heart Foundation Walking.


Heart Foundation walking communications

How do I unsubscribe from Heart Foundation Walking communications?

To unsubscribe from communications you can click the link at the base of Heart Foundation Walking emails, or contact us at walking@heartfoundation.org.au .


Any other questions

Please ask your Walk Organiser, Local Coordinator or email us at walking@heartfoundation.org.au. For questions about your own health, please consult your health professional.