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Who let the dogs out?
In celebration of International Dog Day, we walked with the Burnside Walkers and their pooches! The Burnside Walking Group get together every Tuesday at 9.30am in the name of health, fitness, fun and fur-friends!! Deb Howard established the group in 2010 and was the Walk Organiser for 7 years before handing over the reins to Chris Nettle. She started the group as a way of regularly exercising her dog (at the time), Snowie, and now regularly walks in the group with Rosie (Scottish Terrier, pictured below). We caught up with Deb on the walk and here’s what she had to say: Why do you enjoy walking with your dog/s? It is important to exercise every day and having a dog ensures that you go for a daily walk. Plus it's important to socialise your dog outside of it’s home environment. Does your dog inspire you to walk more? Yes! You feel guilty if you don’t take your dog for a walk every day. What do you enjoy about walking your dog in a Heart Foundation Walking group? My dog loves all the attention that she gets from the group. She also is a better walker than when it’s just me. It’s like she’s in a big pack. Have you or anyone close to you been affected by heart disease? Yes, my Dad had heart disease. He would go for long walks with our dog as it helped with not only his exercise but to de-stress! There are currently 72 participants in the Burnside Walking Group. The walking route regularly changes, exploring different reserves and tracks throughout the leafy Burnside area.