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Fit Exercise into Family Time
Getting kids active helps set them up for healthier habits into adulthood. Active kids have improved concentration, better self-confidence and stronger muscles and bones. So, what should we aim for?
• Toddlers and pre-schoolers should be physically active every day for at least 3 hours.
• Children and teenagers should get at least 1 hour of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day.
• Children and teenagers should limit the use of electronic media for entertainment (e.g. television, seated electronic games and computer) to 2 hours per day. Getting kids active doesn’t necessarily require lots of space or expensive equipment and being active as a family is good for your activity levels as well! Here are some ideas to get active together:
• Play together as a family. Join kids on a bike ride, play hide-and-seek, or play cricket with them at the beach.
• Give children active alternatives to screens. Keep a box of skipping ropes, frisbees, balls and hula hoops.
• Plan family activities that involve walking. Going to the zoo, a picnic in a local park, a day at the fun park or a visit to local historic sites will have the family on their feet and walking without them even knowing it.
• Get the kids involved in the garden. They’ll stay active digging, weeding and planting, and, if you grow herbs and vegetables, learn valuable lessons about where food comes from.
For some more ideas and resources for walking with your kids, check out the Victoria Walks Activity Sheets by clicking here.
Here is how one of our walkers, has integrated her walking time with her mum.
“I have always loved walking for physical fitness and mental health and since my mum was a member of a Heart Foundation walking group, I decided to put them together.
My mum, who has just turned 78 years, does a 4 km walk with me during the week and we do a Saturday morning bush walk. We have walked several sections of the Heysen Trail between Blewitt Springs and Myponga. This is our mother/daughter time to catch up and chat while doing something we love.”
- Fran D.