Spotlight on Gladyss – community champion of Sydney’s West
Tell us a bit about your background and how it has influenced volunteering with the Heart Foundation?
I am a Registered Nurse currently working in the Western Sydney Local Health District. I am always caring for patients with various health issues and some of these issues are heart disease, stroke and diabetes. These can be preventable by living a healthy lifestyle – physical activity, a healthy diet and adequate rest – as well as following health advice from your local GP. Being involved with the Heart Foundation helps me propagate this message to the wider community and contribute to the improvement of their quality of life.
“I was inspired to volunteer with the Heart Foundation as they have done tremendous work to improve the health and wellbeing of Australians’ lives, and have lead the advancement of research into the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of heart attacks and stroke.”
Can you describe some of the initiatives or events you've organised for Heart Foundation's Walking?
I’ve helped organise events such as Parks Week and Heart Week, where we invited other Heart Foundation groups to join my group in a walk through Western Sydney’s Nurragingy Park. I’ve also organised a program called the “Get Healthy Program” where I invite community members to walk in our local park, network with each other, share a healthy meal.
To launch the Rooty Hill Multicultural Walking Group, I organised an event with the members and other organisations – Michelle from the Heart Foundation team joined us! I’ve also raised money for the Heart Foundation at events to support the amazing work that the Heart Foundation do, particularly their research for the advancement and treatment of cardiovascular disease.
You've recently been nominated for the Inspirational Women's Awards. What does this nomination mean to you?
Getting nominated for the Rotary Inspirational Women’s Awards was so meaningful to me. It made me so humbled, honoured and grateful that my voluntary work has been recognised. It was a prestigious awards ceremony celebrated mostly by women and for women. The Award inspires me to enhance my volunteer work and advocacy for health in my community, but it also inspires others especially women to volunteer, having a positive impact on our community.
Could you share your initial reaction when you learned about your nomination for the Inspirational Women's Awards? What thoughts and emotions went through your mind?
When I heard the news, it felt surreal. I felt an overwhelming amount of gratitude knowing I could make a positive impact on the lives of the wider community.
The Inspirational Women's Awards celebrate women who make a positive impact in their communities and beyond. What would you share with other women who want to make a difference, just like you?
I would like to convey to women and girls who aspire to make a difference, is to make an effort and give meaning to what you’ve been aspiring to volunteer. Volunteering is rewarding, but it needs perseverance, patience, determination, and your great effort should be coming from your heart- that you give happiness and joy to the individuals in your local community. Remember, every little thing you do for the betterment the community is greatly appreciated. You’re able to contribute to make our world a better place to live and that’s what counts most.
Lastly, what advice would you give to others who are interested in getting involved in volunteer work for health?
Volunteering is such a special and rewarding thing you can do to make a positive difference to people’s lives. There are many ways you can get involved in volunteer work for health. This could include fundraising for a health charity, searching online for local volunteer opportunities in the health sector or joining Heart Foundation Walking and promote the walking group within your local area.
Congratulations Gladyss on your Rotary Inspirational Women's Award nominee and your ongoing commitment to your commitment!